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📁Childhood Home
📁 Bridge
📁 Beverly Blvd
📁 Pacific Coast Highway
📁 Inscrutable Mass (Donut)
📁 Room (Itaewon)
📁 Soon Chun Hyang Hospital Bus Stop
📁 Amtrak
- The sweat feels good before it feels unbearable.
- North on Western Ave, Kim Sun Young’s hair salon, where Mom had her hair permed, noxious smell of ammonium thioglycolate stuffed in my nose while siblings and I sat like baby ducks for interminable hours until cousin came to the rescue and picked us up for Jersey Mike’s. Southbound to Olympic where Mom and Halmoni shopped for electric blankets and dietary supplements for diabetes. East on 5th St is the Korean shopping complex where I fumbled first date. Walking is so much slower than driving. I think about the cold whir of a car’s AC while heat wafts from the asphalt, pulls another drop of sweat from the nape of my neck.
- Tufts of buffalo grass push out from the cracks where tree roots have cleaved pavement